Description of 2020 Budget Bill contents

Description of 2020 Budget Bill contents

The purpose of this report is to provide a comprehensive description of the basic content of the National Government Budget Bill for 2020, submitted by the National Executive Power in mid-September.

The existing economic and financial volatility, the pending implementation of the agreement with the IMF and the need for a public debt rescheduling process, have determined important adjustments in the macroeconomic projections made. In addition, the outcome of the election process that led to a change of political authorities as of December 10 and, therefore, a very likely change of priorities in the allocation of public resources, are issues that relativize the analysis made in this report. However, it is essential to carry it out, since it will be very useful to understand the constraints in the national budget caused by previously adopted regulations, as well as to provide elements of judgment in the process of discussion and legislative approval.

Considerations on 2020 Draft Budget Progress Report

Considerations on 2020 Draft Budget Progress Report

The Progress Report on the Draft Budget for 2020 estimated that 2019 will close with a 0.8% drop in the Gross Domestic Product and a stable primary balance, records that will improve next year.

For the following fiscal year, the government document predicts a strong increase of 3.5% of GDP and a primary surplus of 1%, although without specifying the expected variations in consumption, investment, and imports.

According to the government’s estimate, in both years there will be an increase in exports and the financial deficit will persist, but declining.

Inflation would be reduced to 26.1% by 2020, but the projection does not include values for the exchange rate or the interest rate.

Net public debt will fall in relation to GDP from 49.4% this year to 45.9% next year.

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