This report analyzes the execution, as of November 13, of the budgetary activities labeled by the Executive Branch for their connection to gender equality.

As of November 2020, the National Budget includes thirty-five (35) budgetary activities with a gender perspective. These activities accrued an expenditure of AR$832.2 billion as of November 13, 2020, which accounted for 14.6% of the total expenditure of the National Government.

Income policies (direct monetary transfers) amounted to approximately 99% of Gender-Responsive Budget (GRB) and ANSES, the agency in charge of managing and administering these policies, practically concentrated the entire GBR spending. The purpose of this social policy is to achieve financial independence for female beneficiaries.

  • The level of physical execution of monetary transfers is very uneven. Some activities exceed 99% and others are barely above 26% of the annual schedule.
  • There are new activities labeled in the 2021 Budget for the promotion of income.
  • The budget for actions against gender-based violence was nominally doubled in relation to the extended 2019 appropriation, but the average level of execution is 46%.
  • As of the third quarter of 2020, 124,468 victims of gender violence were assisted through the 144 hotlines.
  • Out of the 55,000 doses for hormone treatments projected under the Gender Identity Law, 32,703 were distributed.
Analysis of Bill on Gender Responsive Budgeting  (S-0268/2020)

Analysis of Bill on Gender Responsive Budgeting (S-0268/2020)

Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) provides a vehicle for determining the effect that government policies have on the achievement of gender equality and thus provides valuable information to policymakers.

To that effect, Bill S-0268/2020 provides for the implementation of gender perspective in public budgets. To review the Bill a two-level approach is made: on the one hand, the main conceptual and methodological aspects to be considered when implementing gender perspective in public budgets, and on the other hand, technical suggestions for amendments to Law No. 24,156 on Financial Administration and Control Systems of the National Public Sector.

Economic effects of COVID-19 crisis on gender inequality

Economic effects of COVID-19 crisis on gender inequality

Women and men have differentiated positions in the economic and social reality, which means that crises, such as the current one caused by Covid-19, will have different impacts.

The informal sector of the economy will be the most affected with job losses and a substantial loss of income. Within this sector, domestic service (that generates a similar number of jobs as construction) takes a prominent place, since it represents 25% of unregistered jobs. The decline in activity in this sector, because of social distancing measures, directly affects women, who represent 97% of those employed in private homes.

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