OPC 5 Sustainable Development Goals 5 Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals. SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals. SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

In this third OPC report on the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, to which Argentina adheres, SDG 11: “Sustainable Cities and Communities”, which includes aspects such as access to housing, basic services and transportation and waste management, will be analyzed.

From the budgetary analysis of SDG 11, it is identified that the direct expenditure projected for 2019 amounted to AR$64.84 billion, 27.2% higher than in 2018, in nominal terms.

Its execution as of November 2019 was 148.5%, because of the higher relative execution of capital expenditures.

By evaluating the different programs, distributed in different government departments, a significant budgetary concentration is observed in those referred to Transportation and Road Safety, which include subsidies to contain the fares and the implementation of social tariffs, items that required more than AR$26 billion during the year. Another item with an important relative allocation of funds is the improvement of railway infrastructure.

There are programs with executions above the initial Budget during 2019, such as the burying of the Sarmiento Railway and the Bicentennial Highway.

As for other goals, there are ambitious pending targets, for example, that 12 million households in the next decade will have access to public transportation within 300 meters. Similarly, to meet the goal of adequate solid waste treatment, 21,000 tons per day would have to be properly disposed of.

With respect to improving access to housing, the goal is focused on that group of the population that meets the conditions of living in inadequate housing and, at the same time, having irregular tenancy, a situation that restricts the target population of the housing policy.

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