OPC 5 Public Debt Operations 5 PUBLIC DEBT OPERATIONS – OCTOBER 2021


11 November, 2021
  • In October, three market auctions were held, resulting in the placement of government securities for a total of ARS466.281 billion, of which ARS90.897 billion were for bonds denominated in dollars and payable in pesos (USD linked).
  • In the auction of October 6, the swap of the T2V1 bond (maturing on November 30) for a basket of USD linked bonds was offered and 45% of the outstanding amount was accepted.
  • Net placements of Temporary Advances (TA) of ARS335 billion were recorded during the month, increasing the stock to ARS1.36 trillion. At the end of September, the legal ceiling on the stock of TA stood at $2.17 trillion.
  • Maturities for November are estimated to total the equivalent of USD3.899 billion. Excluding holdings within the public sector, maturities are reduced to USD3,583 million, of which 83% is payable in domestic currency.
  • For the last two months of the year, maturities are estimated for the equivalent of USD8.672 billion (USD8.075 billion excluding maturities within the public sector).
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