OPC 5 Public Debt Operations 5 PUBLIC DEBT OPERATIONS – JANUARY 2022


Two auctions were held in January, resulting in the placement of government securities in domestic currency for ARS437.49 billion.

During the month, net placements of BCRA Temporary Advances (TA) for ARS122 billion were recorded, increasing the stock to ARS2.30 trillion.

To partially finance the January 28 principal payment of the IMF Stand-By loan for USD713 million, a Treasury Bill in dollars was placed with the BCRA maturing in 2031 for USD203 million.

In January, interest for the equivalent of USD1.13 billion were paid. Payments for bonds in dollars and euros issued in the restructuring of foreign currency debt in 2020, for the equivalent of USD692 million, stand out.

Debt maturities for February are estimated to total the equivalent of USD3.787 billion. Excluding holdings within the public sector, maturities are reduced to USD3.121 million. The payment to the Paris Club for the equivalent of USD188 million should be highlighted.

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