OPC 5 Public Debt Operations 5 Public Debt Operations – January 2020

Public Debt Operations – January 2020

The equivalent of USD3.5 billion in securities placements and loan disbursements were recorded in January, of which USD1.26 billion were Treasury bills in dollars placed with the Central Bank.

There were also payments of Treasury bills in dollars for USD52 million and in pesos for AR$123.55 billion, as well as amortization of bonds and loans for USD715 million.

The National Executive Branch submitted to Congress a Bill to restore the sustainability of public debt issued under foreign law, which was approved on February 5. The securities covered total US$66.5 billion, about 21% of the total debt stock.

Payments of USD2.28 billion between amortizations (USD1.51 billion) and interest (USD769 million) are expected for February.

The debt service maturity schedule between February and December 2020 amounts to USD66.76 billion. Excluding maturities within the public sector, estimated services are reduced to USD34.46 billion.

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