OPC 5 Other Publications 5 Identification of Budgetary Targets related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – Methodology

Identification of Budgetary Targets related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – Methodology

In 2015, Argentina adhered to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the United Nations (UN), which identifies 17 central goals expressed in 169 targets agreed by member states.

Of these, Argentina adopted 89 with priority in food security, health, education, economic growth, and infrastructure development.

The national government is one of the key actors in the achievement of these goals and the budget, organized through programs, is a fundamental tool for the implementation of domestic policies that honor the commitments made with the UN.

The Argentine Congressional Budget Office (OPC) makes a preliminary methodological proposal to assess the achievement of the SDGs through the budgetary implementation of policies, which involves identifying the expenditures effectively related to these purposes.

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