Marcos Makón


Marcos Makón graduated as a public accountant from the University of Buenos Aires and completed postgraduate studies in Administration for Development at the Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil (1967), and in Public Sector Planning at ILPES, Chile.

He has been a consultant for the Inter-American Development Bank, the World Bank, and the U.N. Development Program in matters of Planning, Budgeting, Management of Results and Financial Administration, and Public Management in the following countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, and Venezuela.

In Argentina, he served as Head of the Federal Investment Council for the provincial budget reform (1963-1973); Undersecretary of Budget (1991-1996); Coordinator of the Program for the Consolidation of the Administrative and Financial Reform of the Argentine Public Sector, financed by the Inter-American Development Bank (1996-1997); Secretary for the Modernization of the State, and Secretary of General Coordination at the Chief of the Cabinet of Ministers Office, in charge of the Undersecretariat of Public Service; Comptroller of the National Institute of Public Administration; and Secretary for the Modernization of the State at the Vice-President of the Argentine Republic Office (1999-2001).

He has also had a prolific performance in the fields of teaching and research.
Marcos Makón was appointed the first Director of the Argentine Congressional Budget Office as from February 2018.

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