Together with Directorio Legislativo and with the support of the National Democratic Institute (NDI), we organized the #Hablemosdepresupuesto (Let’s talk Budget) working sessions with civil society organizations. Throughout the meetings, we exchanged work experiences and focused on identifying opportunities for improvement and continuing to strengthen relations between the Argentine Congressional Budget Office (OPC) and Civil Society.

As a result of the meetings and the joint effort, an Action Plan for the OPC was co-created. This Plan has a two-year implementation period (2021-2022) and foresees a series of activities based on the three thematic axes worked on: Dissemination Tools and Strategies; Training Activities on Fiscal Matters and Gender Responsive Public Budgeting (GRB).

The virtual sessions were attended by more than 10 civil society organizations that identified the main challenges to be addressed, expressed their vision on each axis and made concrete contributions to democratize and federalize information and knowledge within the framework of the OPC’s work.

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