The National Budget executed in 2018 recorded resources and expenditures above those projected for the year, although the primary deficit was very similar to that predicted (-AR$271.63 billion), with a deviation of -0.8%.
Budget execution showed a deviation of 13.0% in the initial estimate of resources, of 14.6% in total expenditures and of 11.4% in primary expenditures compared to the initially approved appropriation.
However, due to the 33.8% deviation in debt interest, the financial deficit was almost 20% higher than what had been projected in the Budget and reached -AR$813.7 billion.
In terms of expenditure purposes, the only expenditure that increased was public debt, with a real year-on-year increase of 27.1%, while there were real decreases in government management (-32.5% YoY), defense and security services (-11.0% YoY), economic services (-7.1% YoY) and social services (-6.2% YoY).
The comparison of what was budgeted and executed shows differences in macroeconomic projections such as the evolution of GDP: the assumption was that it would grow 3.5% but it fell 2.5%.