OPC 5 Cost Estimates 5 Incentive to the Argentine Construction and Production Investment – JULY 2022

Incentive to the Argentine Construction and Production Investment – JULY 2022

This report analyzes Bill CD 3/2022 on Incentive to the Argentine Construction and Production Investment and evaluates the possible impact on the National Government’s accounts.

The Bill proposes to reinstate the regime established by Title II of Law No. 27,613, ” Standardization Program to Reactivate the Argentine Federal Construction” and to create a bridge to employment, with the transformation of social plans and social security benefits.

Based on OPC’s estimates, the fiscal impact of what is explicitly specified in the Bill would represent an increase in revenues of ARS 4.459 billion in 2022 and 2023, as from the enactment of the law.

Although the bridge to employment proposed in the Bill does not generate additional costs or savings for the National Government, it would have a low potential coverage in operational terms.

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