09 November, 2021

In the 2022 Budget Bill, the budgetary allocations of each cross-cutting policy show increases in real terms with respect to the appropriations for 2021, mainly direct monetary transfers, channeled through social programs.

Social programs had significant increases during the current fiscal year, both in their monetary values and in the universe of beneficiaries, but no changes in the values of these benefits over those recently granted are expected for next year.

Policies aimed at promoting a sustainable environment and combating climate change are the ones that show the greatest real growth between the current and projected budgets (25%), basically because of the allocation of resources to AySA S.A. (Argentine Water and Sanitation Company), with half of the funds allocated to this policy.

The real increase for gender equality policy is 5.3%, for children and adolescents 4.1%, and for assistance for persons with disabilities 8.5%.

  • The allocation for Food Cards, part of these three cross-cutting policies, registered a significant increase in coverage during 2021, from approximately 1.5 million beneficiaries at the beginning of this year to 2.8 million today.
  • For the first time next year, funds (ARS13.761 billion) will be allocated to childcare facilities, which were not included this year.
  • The allocation for the Acompañar Program falls 14.7% below inflation given the number of beneficiaries included in the 2022 Budget Bill and the current value of the minimum wage (SMVM).
  • For 2022, allocations for the Potenciar Trabajo program do not consider increases in the value of the SMVM over the one recently granted, given the expected level of coverage.
  • Budget Bill 2022 does not include the duplication of the amount of child allowances por active population, provided by Executive Order 719/2021, since the measure was implemented after the submission of the Budget Bill.
  • Although the financial analysis for the Universal Child Allowance (AUH) shows that the current appropriation would not be covering all outstanding payments until the end of 2021, the policy would still show increases over inflation in 2022.
  • The Juana Manso – Conectar Igualdad program, educational infrastructure works, and the National Teacher Incentive Fund have significant budget increases.
  • The real increase in disability programs is basically explained by the rise in disability pensions.
  • The items aimed at the insertion of workers with disabilities are also reinforced.
  • There are other policies aimed at persons with disabilities that are not addressed by labelling or mentioned in the Budget Message Annex as part of this cross-cutting policy.
  • Within the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, there are real increases in actions for the direction and conduct of environmental policy and falls in actions for the conservation and protection of biodiversity and the management of climate change.
  • Significant increases in budget allocations are expected for the Ministry of Public Works and the National Agency for Water and Sanitation Works (ENOHSA) for water and sanitation infrastructure works.
  • There are cases in which physical targets do not strictly relate to budget allocations and would require amendments.
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