OPC 5 Budget Law 5 Analysis of National Government Budget Extended for 2020

Analysis of National Government Budget Extended for 2020

The National Congress did not pass the Budget Bill prepared by the National Government for the fiscal year 2020. As a result, the Executive Branch provided for the extension of the 2019 Budget, and its respective allocations, within the new ministerial structure, but without making the adjustments in the estimation of resources and expenditures as provided for in Section 27 of the Financial Administration Law.

In accordance with Executive Order No. 4 on the extension, “the debt, economic and social crisis creates such uncertainty that prevents the immediate and precise definition of the adjustments referred to in Section 27 of Law 24,156 on Financial Administration”, empowering the Chief of Cabinet of Ministers to adjust the Budget that is being extended within the framework of that provision.
All the above is expected to be carried out until the approval of the 2020 Budget Bill to be submitted by the Executive Branch.

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