OPC 5 Activities 5 Institutional meeting with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)

Institutional meeting with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)


Last Friday, February 12, the OPC held a presentation on cross-cutting policies and programs in the 2021 National Budget, with the participation of officials from various government agencies of the Republic of Colombia, as well as members of the Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies of Mexico (INEVAP).

The meeting, organized by members of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), focused on the cross-cutting policy of gender equity, and included contextual references to the management of budgetary information in Argentina, as well as on the Budget itself.

Participating on behalf of the OPC were: General Director Marcos Makon, Director of Studies, Analysis and Evaluation María Eugenia David Du Mutel de Pierrepont and IT advisor Marta Vázquez.

The participants from the Secretariat of Finance of Bogotá were: Secretary Juan Mauricio Ramírez and Technical Undersecretary José Alejandro Cortés; from the Secretariat for Women: Technical Undersecretary Diana Parra; from the Secretariat of Health, Planning Director Cristina Losada; from the Secretariat of the Mayor’s Office, performance measurement specialist Juan Sebastián Ramírez; from the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic of Colombia, performance audit specialist Luis Edgar Michaels.

Also participating in the meeting were Public Management Cluster Manager Edgardo Mosqueira, IDB Technical Assistance Program Manager Jorge Kaufmann (Washington office); and Expenditure Quality specialists Verónica Vasconez and Fabricio Rodríguez (Ecuador office).

There was time for questions and a brief discussion at the end of the meeting on the importance of focusing on policy results as a mechanism to strengthen the link between budgets and government actions.

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