OPC 5 Activities 5 INSTITUTIONAL EXCHANGE WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE Analysis and Budgetary Advisory Office of the Senate of Chile (OPS)

INSTITUTIONAL EXCHANGE WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF THE Analysis and Budgetary Advisory Office of the Senate of Chile (OPS)


On Monday, December 6, we shared a virtual meeting with representatives of the Information, Analysis and Budgetary Advisory Office of the Senate of Chile (OPS) to exchange experiences and generate collaborative work links between both institutions.

Although the OPS was created as such during the year 2021 by Resolution of the General Secretariat of the Senate, its origin is found at the beginning of 2019 when the Budget Office of the National Congress was created, continuing the work developed by the Budgetary Advisory Unit (2003 – 2018). Like the OPC, the OPS provides independent analysis on the state of the fiscal situation to the Parliament and the public.

Participating in the meeting on behalf of OPS were Alejandra Vega Carvallo, Rodrigo Ruiz, Eduardo Diaz, and Rubén Catalan. On behalf of the OPC, Marcos Makón (OPC Director); Carlos Guberman (Director of Tax Analysis) and Natalia Laría (Coordinator of Institutional and Parliamentary Relations) were present.

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