OPC 5 Activities 5 #HablemosDePresupuesto: (Let’s Talk Budget): Workshop with civil society organizations

#HablemosDePresupuesto: (Let’s Talk Budget): Workshop with civil society organizations


Along with Directorio Legislativo (Legislative Directory) and with the support of the National Democratic Institute (NDI) we organized the workshop #HablemosDePresupuesto (Let’s Talk Budget).

The first meeting took place on Monday, April 26 and it was proposed to start a joint work path to co-create an Action Plan for the OPC, identify opportunities for improvement and continue strengthening relations between the OPC and Civil Society.

Using an interactive methodology, the meeting included comments, experiences, and ideas on three main topics:

  • New tools and dissemination strategies to improve the scope of the information prepared by the OPC
  • Training activities in fiscal matters
  • Gender-responsive budgeting

The meeting was attended by Marcos Makón, General Director of the OPC; Natalia Laria, Coordinator of Parliamentary and Institutional Relations of the OPC; and representatives of Fundación para el Desarrollo de Políticas Sustentables (FUNDEPS – Córdoba), Nuestra Mendoza (Mendoza), Andhes (Tucumán and Jujuy), Salta Transparente (Salta), Asociación Civil por la igualdad y la Justicia (ACIJ) Fundación Conocimiento Abierto, Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento (CIPPEC), Asociación Argentina de Presupuesto y Administración Financiera Pública (ASAP), Economía Femini(s)ta and Equipo Latinomericano de Justicia y Género (ELA).

The next workshop will be held on Monday, May 6, where concrete proposals will be developed based on the identified challenges.

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