With more than 150 participants, the subnational meetings #HablemosDelPresupuesto (Let’s talk Budget) organized by Directorio Legislativo, Andhes, Fundeps, Nuestra Mendoza and Salta Transparente, with the support of the OPC, concluded. These exchanges are part of the goals set in the Action Plan co-created between the OPC and civil society.

Together with representatives of provincial legislatures and civil society organizations, four meetings were held in Salta, Mendoza, Tucumán, and Córdoba to share experiences on Public Budgets in different parts of the country and promote budgetary technical assistance for legislators and the community.

Natalia Laria (Coordinator of Parliamentary and Institutional Relations) presented the work of the OPC and Maria Eugenia David Du Mutel de Pierrepont (Director of Studies, Analysis and Evaluation) spoke on Gender-Responsive Budgets and presented the OPC’s Gender-Responsive Budget Monitor.

Local organizations Fundeps (Córdoba), Nuestra Mendoza, Andhes (Tucumán) and Salta Transparente presented “ABC del Presupuesto Público”, a joint document that addresses the budget cycles in each of the four provinces.

The #HablemosDelPresupuesto meetings were moderated by Michelle Volpin (Directorio Legislativo), with presentations by María Eugenia Du Mutel de Pierrepont (Director of Studies, Analysis and Evaluation of the OPC), Natalia Laria (Coordinator of Parliamentary and Institutional Relations of the OPC), Manuel Calvo (Vice-governor of Córdoba), Sofía Devalle (Director of the Technical Budget Office of the Legislature of Córdoba), Pablo Rafael Gómez and Pablo Narváez (Secretaries of the Senate of Mendoza), José María Las Heras (Director of the ASAP – Córdoba), Gustavo Ramiro López (Andhes), Juan Francisco Minetto (Nuestra Mendoza), Nina Sibilla (Fundeps), Gonzalo Guzmán (Salta Transparente) and Silvia Jardel (General Manager of the Mendoza Business Council)

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